Open letter at 70 years of NATO

To :

North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO)

In the attention of :

North Atlantic Council

Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General


NATO Press Office

Mrs. Oana Lungescu, NATO Spokesperson


The undersigned Ohanesian Eduard Ovidiu, Romanian citizen, possessor of the ID series …………….., resident in …………………, Bucharest Romania, citizen of the European Union, holder of passport no. …………………, as a journalist and a civil party (in the criminal sentence of the Bucharest Court of Appeal no. 122/24 April 2008 and the criminal sentence 122/13 June 2007, final and irrevocable), I am the victim of an international terrorist operation, planned and realized, in 2005, by terrorist cells, led by a US citizen and a Romanian citizen, involved in countless other criminal activities (especially in international smuggling with weapons, kidnapping and torture of a US citizen and of a French journalist).

I. Considering the conviction and imprisonment of the US citizen, Mohammad Munaf, born on November 29,1962, in Iraq, the son of Munaf and Suad, holder of the US passport, type PA, no. 112264008, residing at 53-56 Forest Ave 2R, Sect.5, Ridgewood NY 11385 / New York USA, suspected of being an employee or collaborator of the Central Information Agency (CIA), former fugitive wanted for initiating, coordinating and financing a terrorist action by which three Romanian citizens were abducted (with a mandate to execute a sentence of 10 years imprisonment), currently held in the Rahova Penitentiary, taking into account the conviction and imprisonment for the kidnapping and international terrorism of the former Romanian citizen, Omar Hayssam, born on January 1, 1963, son of Hayssam Khaled Omar and Zahrei (Farzat), major (r) within the Romanian Ministry of National Defense, sentenced to 20 years for executing, coordinating and financing an terrorist action by which three Romanian citizens were kidnapped, currently held in the Mărgineni Penitentiary and considering both, the protection granted to terrorists in the aforementioned international offenders, as well as the concealment of their facts and accomplices by two NATO member states, Romania and the United States of America (USA), bring to your notice and notify you publicly the following:

1. The complicity and conspiracy of the political and military institutions of Romania and the United States, which provided protection and hid valuable information about terrorist cells, international smugglers, kidnappers and their accomplices, whether they were private persons or institutions, who kidnapped and tortured ordinary Romanian, American and French citizens or military.

2. Referring to these serious acts committed by the military and political representatives of the two NATO member states and partners in other theaters of combat around the globe, I notify the North Atlantic Council, as a victim of international terrorism and illegal trafficking with armament acts and, as a journalist, I urge you to analyze carefully the facts described below and to take the necessary measures according to the principles and objectives underlying the Alliance.

3. I also point out that, contrary to the Alliance’s principles, two partner states in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), partners in the global counter-terrorism effort, the United States of America and Romania, directly support terrorist actions and protect terrorist cells made up of Romanian, American, Russian, Arab and other nationals, some of them being reported in several resolutions issued by the United Nations, in UNIDIR reports or on the list of persons searched by Interpol, others already being convicted and imprisoned, after being repeatedly sheltered in US military units.

4. Some of the criminals we are talking about were released or kept in the custody of the Allied military forces, knowingly, not to be brought before the Romanian or US courts, using the infrastructure and military resources of the respective states. Some of the terrorists, their collaborators and the cells they belong have never been tracked, tried or prosecuted for their actions, although initially they were arrested for illegal kidnapping or trafficking in weapons, drugs, cigarettes or other substances or equipment subject to the international embargo. Senior officials from the two states referred to above used secret political agreements at the highest level, older or newest underground agreements, classified protocols, signed after 2004, the year in which Romania joined NATO.

5. The contacts, sources of financing, the criminal circle were not searched, identified or investigated. It was not drawn the relational map referring to the terrorist cells described below. Although the US and Romanian authorities knew in detail about the multiple crimes committed by the terrorists involved in the abduction of US intelligence officers and Romanian, Iraqi and French citizens, no steps were taken to stop these criminal activities.

II. Compromising and weakness of the Alliance, at the highest level, by appointing a controversial official in NATO leadership. Under the false flag of the fight against terrorism and as a result of the abusive secrecy of the special operations carried out by the Romanian and US intelligence structures in areas like Syria, Romania and Iraq, the investigation of many acts of terrorism, kidnapping and international smuggling with weapons was stopped by militarized institutions from the two NATO member states. Thus, a number of terrorists and criminals, cultivated by the secret services, in Romania, even before 1989, have benefited, for several decades, from political protection and economic-financial support from those, especially from Romania.

1. Concretely, the economic and financial crimes that ensured the financing of international terrorism, carried out by the terrorist cells that we are talking about, on the territory of Romania and abroad, were pronounced during the period when the current NATO Deputy Secretary General, Mr Mircea Geoană (the son of General Ioan Geoană [1] , a character with high functions in the communist nomenclature, former head of the Civil Defense, with intense anti-NATO, anti-EU activity, before 1989) held important functions both in the Romanian state and in the period that he activated as Romania’s ambassador to the USA.

2. Throughout his career, Mircea Geoană maintained and cultivated the connections with the old regime not only through the party he led, but also outside it. For example, one of his old friends, SIE general Dan Dumitru, was reported by journalists during the 2009 presidential elections in the vicinity of Geoană, flashing the weapon in the middle of the crowd. Before 1989, General Dumitru activated in the notorious “illegal” spy unit called “Fantome”, military indicative UM 0920 / U, which acted undercover in the western space against NATO. In the democracy, Mircea Geoană’s friend headed the Special Operations Directorate for external espionage, and was then appointed head of the Office for Relations with the Republic of Moldova, subordinated to the General Secretariat of the Government. Here is how it was possible that, 70 years after the Alliance was founded, Mr. Mircea Geoană [2] , a party colleague (Social Democratic Party) with the Romanian terrorist Omar Hayssam, with the entourage described above, would be named deputy secretary general of NATO.

III. Romania and United States, aligned at least at the declarative level in the global fight against terrorism, have masked and hid crimes of terrorism, kidnapping and international smuggling with weapons, by releasing and protecting terrorists, perpetrators and accomplices, whether were about private persons, representatives or agents of the Romanian or US law enforcement institutions and classified important evidence (documents, audio / video recordings, criminal files).

1.In Operation “The Abduction of Iraq – Răpirea din Irak “, in which three Romanian citizens were involved, were hidden from the public opinion, for a long time, the number and identity of the hostages held by the terrorist group led by Omar Hayssam – Mohammad Munaf, under the ground, in a farm located 29 kilometers south of Baghdad, in the area called by the military Death Triangle [3] (delimited by the localities of Yussufia, Mahmudia, Iskandaria). Of the total of 55 days of detention, the undersigned was held hostage in very difficult conditions, in the above location, for more than 51 days. The farm where the hostages listed above were held was at the following coordinates: (military GPS) 33° 05′ 32″North and 44° 26′ 46″ East.

2. In other words, the US, Romania and France have tried to hide the fact that in addition to the three Romanian journalists held hostage in the basement of the Iraqi farm, the criminal group kept under threat of weapons, an US spy, Roy Hallums, a French journalist, Florence Aubenas, an Iraqi aviation officer, Hussein Hanoun, a Filipino trader and five other people of different nationalities, about whom no information was released. Later, in 2010, former US Army (Pentagon) spy officer Roy Hallums received the green light from US counter-intelligence bodies and officially acknowledged in his book, “Buried Alive” [4] , that he was detained under the ground, along with Romanian journalists (Chapter 20 The Romanians, page 129) [5]. Also, Hallums was advised to participate in TV shows with maximum interest among viewers in the US, such as “60 minutes”, in an interview about his abduction by Lesley Stahl.

3. Thus, Roy Hallums indirectly confirmed what the US authorities were trying to hide  that an US citizen, Mohammad Munaf, was at least complicit in the abduction and torture of another US citizen (Hallums) and a French one (Florence Aubenas). Roy Hallums was never heard by Romanian prosecutors in the terrorism file opened in Bucharest (criminal case no. 540/D/P/2005), although his testimony was of particular importance. The terrorists Munaf and Omar have not been investigated or charged with US justice or France for kidnapping in the cases of Roy Hallums, Florence Aubenas, etc.

4. A few years after the release of officer Hallums, the United States Army Force declassified information and images about its recovery by the special unit soldiers from Hostage Working Group [6] , under the leadership of Colonel Daniel O’Shea. Under the coordination and using the documentation of the secret services of the US Army, the Discovery Channel station presented in the documentary “Kidnapp and Rescue” [7]  the first images from the location where Hallums was held hostage toghether with Romanian journalists, the French journalist and other victims of kidnappings. Benefiting from the original footage (images taken from drones and military helmets) the documentary’s producers carefully hid any information about the other hostages, without making any reference to the Romanian journalists or to the person who gave the military information about the hostage farm.

5.In May 2005, immediately after the release of the Romanian journalists and their bringing to the country, the Romanian Intelligence Service – SRI continued the operation of masking the case of international terrorism. Under the pretext of “debriefing”, journalists were imprisoned in a villa in the SRI complex, codenamed K2-K4-T14 [8] , after the names of the streets they are on, under the guard of anti-terrorism officers. During this period, journalists were investigated by mixed teams of DIICOT magistrates and intelligence officers in the absence of lawyers. The statements made under these conditions were classified, but used as benchmarks by DIICOT magistrates in the official investigation. The operation of illegal investigation of the former hostages could be carried out only by virtue of protocols between the General Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PÎCCJ) and the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI), with the notice of the Supreme Council of the Defense of the Country (CSAȚ).

6. The Romanian investigators were only interested in the information the journalists have about the real stakes of the kidnapping operation, because behind the “Abduction of Iraq” other secret operations were hidden, the magistrates suspecting a close connection between some journalists and terrorists. Later, Lt.-Colonel Moaied Abdel Kazem [9] , an investigator in the Iraqi Interior Ministry, confirmed the involvement of one of the Romanian journalists in organizing the abduction. In a video recording, the Iraqi investigator accused the Romanian authorities of covering up the journalist involved in organizing the kidnapping operation.

7. On the other hand, the undersigned found and proved that, from the initial file,  no. 540/D/P/2005, the investigators secretly dissolved another much more important criminal file, in which the true stakes of the “Abduction of Iraq” operation were hidden. It is about 628/D/P/2005 file [10] , in which the magistrates investigated the links of the terrorists Omar Hayssam and Mohammad Munaf with the criminal cell run by the arms dealer Viktor Bout. Hundreds of people, politicians, businessmen, diplomats and intelligence officers were investigate in the file “Armament”. The work was highly divided. The DIICOT magistrates worked in teams, each with its own part. The only one who knew the overall picture of the file no. 628/D/P/2005 was the prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu.

8. I remind you that, during the investigations carried out in Bucharest, in the files no. 540/D/P/2005 and no. 628/D/P/2005, in the Iraqi hostages cellar from where the Romanians had been extracted, were remaining the US officer Roy Hallums, the French journalist Florence Aubenas and others. I was to find out later that the US intelligence services had asked for interrogation, both the Romanian journalists extracted and the terrorist Mohammad Munaf. The Romanian authorities refused the request, because there were reasonable suspicions that at least one of the journalists (a politician and diplomat offspring) was involved in the organization of the kidnapping operation, his family being part of the terrorist Omar Hayssam’s entourage.

IV. The Romanian and US intelligence, in complicity, continuously hid and partially or totally blocked the investigations into the terrorist activities carried out by the Viktor Bout-Omar Hayssam-Mohammad Munaf group and their accomplices [11] . The most important secret behind the operation “Abduction of Iraq” is the international arms trafficking, in which the terrorists, one Romanian, another US citizen, were involved up to the head, along with Viktor Bout & Comp and Romanian institutions and companies (Monzer Al Kassar , Ivan Grigorevici Busuioc, Romarm, etc).

1.In an attempt to hide from the public eyes the weapons against drugs exchange  (narcotraffick as it was called by the US authorities) that stay behind the abduction of Romanian journalists in Iraq, Ciprian Nastasiu, decides to disjoint the new file 628/D/P/2005[12] , named by the press “Armament”, from 540/D/P/2005, the abduction file. The disjunction occurred on July 4, 2005, in secret, the first evidence of the existence of the new file being recorded in the minutes concluded on 18.11.2006, signed by the case prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu and the officer of the Ministry of the Interior, Miron Cristian Alexandru. From this moment the Romanian and US authorities worked side by side to identify, document and arrest the trafficker Viktor Anatolyevich Bout, and only him, although in the 628/D/P/2005 file were to be heard and investigated tens of hundreds of businessmen, politicians, diplomats and even members of the intelligence.

2. Starting with 2007, as a reward for his obedience to the political factor, the magistrate who has instrumentalized the most important Romanian international terrorism files, Ciprian Nastasiu, has been invited by the US authorities [13], on several occasions, to confer with FBI, CIA and Secret Service staff on the role of collaboration between magistrates and intelligence (secret protocols, joint teams), a method that has been rejected by the whole Romanian society in recent years and denounced by the Justice as abusive and illegal. It should be noted that the magistrate Nastasiu, had the wife employed within the Romanian Intelligence Service – SRI, an institution of counter-espionage that had numerous proven interferences in the act of justice, later denounced as illegal and immoral.

3. The name of trafficker Viktor Bout, in all its forms, are contained in several United Nations resolutions and reports issued by the United Nations Security Committee (UN), including SC 1532 ( 2004 ), SC 8570/1 December 2005 [14]. For decades, evidence about the intense collaboration between the Romanian intelligence with the terrorist cells and the arms traffickers has been hidden. More recently, were hidden all informations about the relationship between the Romanian Intelligence Service and Viktor Bout, in the “anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile deal” carried out with organizations. terrorists from Columbia (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army, FARC-EP or FARC) [15].

4.In a UNIDIR report from 2009, the specialists pointed out that one of the Viktor Bout accomplices, Monzer Al Kassar, bought weapons from the Romanian company Romarm [16] to sell to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Monzer al Kassar had received over $ 400,000 for the arms contract, funds that were presented as money obtained from the FARC drug trade. The affair included the FARC’s purchase of 4,350 AKM assault rifles, 3,350 AKMS assault rifles, 200 RPK assault rifles, 50 Dragunov sniper rifles, 500 Makarov guns, 2 million bullets, 120 RPG rocket launchers, 1,650 of PG-7V grenades and 2,400 RGO-78 hand grenades. The Colombian FARC organization has been declared terrorist by the US since 1997.

5. During his working visits to the United States, prosecutor Nastasiu received from the US officials an impressive documentation about the terrorist activities of the criminal groups coordinated by Bout, all over the world. As a journalist, I published in the central press a part of this extensive documentation [17], which I received in French, and then sent it to the US authorities through the US Embassy in Bucharest. Since the documentation contains hundreds of pages, documents, photos, names, companies, bank transfers, data, facts, I am ready to make it available upon your request.

6.US and Romania have carefully concealed the fact that initially the operation of capture of the trafficker Viktor Bout and his accomplice Monzer Al Kassar, was carried out in Bucharest, between January and February 2008 [18], under the coordination of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), with the direct participation of the General Prosecutor’s Office (prosecutors of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism Offenses – DIICOT) and the Romanian Intelligence Service – SRI. The DIICOT magistrates listened day by day to the interceptions of the telephone conversations between the traffickers who were preparing to come to Romania. Why was DEA, the American anti-drug agency, trying to capture an arms dealer in Bucharest ?

7. Finally, on March 6, 2008, Bout was captured by DEA officers and Thai Police on the 27th floor of the Sofitel Hotel in Bangkok. The extradition documents issued by the US after the trafficker’s capture, contain serious charges, including trafficking with anti-aircraft missiles or anti-tank missiles type Fagot 9K111 [19], Fagot 9M111 (Spigot, in NATO coding) or newer versions, of Soviet manufacture, capable of destroying M1A2 Abrams tanks. Bout was also charged with conspiracy to kill US citizens. No word has been spoken about the Romanian accomplices in US courts. Although they were collaborating in the identification and neutralization of the arms smuggling cell, although a complex file of international arms trafficking was instrumented in Bucharest, involving Omar Hayssam, Mohammad Munaf and others, the USA and Romania kept the their files  separately. I heard from military sources that all Soviet-made Fagot anti-tank missiles disappeared after 1989 from the Romanian Army’s depots (for example, from the depots of the motorized infantry regiment UM 01278 Someşeni, Cluj Napoca).

8. In 2005, an increase in information gathering activities of South Korean agents was recorded in Bucharest. They were particularly interested in the Romanian fleet of MIG 29 aircraft (18 pieces), abandoned at Mihail Kogălniceanu airport. South Korea could not allow such high-tech military technology to reach into the hands of the northern neighbor, who was in cordial relations with the terrorist Omar Hayssam and his criminal group. Soon, the MIG 29 affair exploded in the media [20]. Highly performing aircraft were the ideal equipment for an illegal business, for traffickers like Bout & Comp.

9. At the height of the irony, in his statement of November 4, 2011, the United States Ambassador to Bucharest, Mark Gitenstein [21], thanked the Government of Romania and the Romanian people for the excellent cooperation of prosecutors within DIICOT with US-enabled institutions, in the case of Russian citizen Viktor Bout, found guilty by a US federal conspiracy jury for the sale of weapons to a terrorist organization. Basically, the US authorities were only interested in capturing the arms dealer Viktor Bout, who they imprisoned for 25 years at the US Marion Penitentiary. His Romanian accomplices, whether they were persons or institutions, did not give an account.

10. Bout has entered history and the attention of the general public, through two movies made by Hollywood, inspired by his criminal activity. The best-known film was the action film “Lord of the War” [22], in which the role of the terrorist was played by the famous actor Nicholas Cage.

11. The DIICOT prosecutors referred to by the US ambassador in his communiqué, Ciprian Nastasiu and Angela Ciurea [23], had just been excluded from the judiciary. Finally, because the whole operation became a press subject, the Romanian magistrates who worked on this file, with information structures from several states (USA, Spain, Iraq, Syria, Thailand) were compromised and, under various pretexts, they were brutally removed from the judiciary. Then, the entire file “Armament” was classified, and in 2011, it was closed with resolutions of non-commencement of criminal prosecution for all the subjects of the investigation [24].

V. Documents regarding the criminal activities of the trafficker Viktor Bout, of the terrorists Mohammad Munaf and Omar Hayssam and of their accomplices, protected and supported by the institutions of the Romanian state have been classified, by closing of the  628/D/P/2005 file. Numerous documents prepared by Romanian rogatory commissions sent to investigate Romanian or US terrorists in Iraq or Syria were falsified, truncated and hidden.

1. Files were opened as a result of some investigations into the abduction of journalists in Iraq, in 2005, and the illegal trafficking of weapons and other prohibited substances, carried out by the Viktor Bout-Omar Hayssam-Mohammad Munaf group. Following the disappearance of terrorists Mohammad Munaf and Omar Hayssam, the romanian investigators were compromised, the files were improperly closed, and magistrates removed from investigations. After about four years the final cover up of the “Viktor Bout Affair”  at the highest level, in Romania, was completed. By the address no. 269 ​​from 12.01.2012 [25], the Ministry of Justice transmitted to the Romanian Parliament that, following the request for judicial assistance from the USA, the DIICOT prosecutors granted support in identifying the trafficker of arms Viktor Bout. In Romania, Bout was the subject of a criminal file about which no additional data can be provided.

2. After documents dated in 2006, regarding the transit of weappons to the Arab space, aboard some North Korean flag vessels (Iman T ship) by Constanța port, with the green light from the Romanian intelligence – SRI [26] appeared in the public space, all traces of the Romanian state’s cooperation with international terrorism have been erased or hidden. Immediately, the central press speculated on the information that the same ships, under the North Korean flag, had transported to Syria, through the Black Sea, nuclear technology for the construction of the nuclear reactor at Deir-Ez Zor, in northwestern Syria. Although the official transport destination was Alexandria port, the real destination of the Iman T ship was the Tartous port in Syria.

3. The concealment of the trafficking in weapons and the transit of North Korean nuclear technology, through the port of Constanța (Romania), on ships under the North Korean flag, in areas subject to the international embargo, could only be achieved through the direct participation of prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu, the same a magistrate who also investigated the case of the abduction of Romanian journalists in Iraq. But, after his compromise and removal from the magistracy, the former DIICOT prosecutor, Ciprian Nastasiu, the man who dealt with the most important terrorist files in Romania, took revenge and revealed part of the secrets of the aforementioned terrorist cell and its relations in the political world, business and with the Romanian intelligence services, in the volume “The Predation of Romania – Prădarea României” published in 2009 in Washington [27].

4. It is possible that as soon as they reached their goal, that is, the Bout arrest, the US authorities abandoned prosecutor Nastasiu and allowed the Romanian partner to clean his own yard. It is certain that the magistrate failed to hide the true stakes of the “Abduction in Iraq” file, as his political chiefs wanted, namely the trafficking in weapons, drugs, cigarettes and the involvement of the Romanian authorities, at the highest level in these operations and he has been removed from the system. The “execution” of the magistrate approved by intelligence and cultivated by the US espionage, was shot by the president of the country at that time, who called Nastasiu “rejected”. Under these circumstances, the former DIICOT prosecutor felt betrayed by his masters and acted harshly, with flashy revelations from the backstories of the Mafia state.

5. Among other things, the author of the volume “Prădarea României” would explain how, in 2006, the terrorist no. 1 of Romania, Omar Hayssam, was fleeing the country aboard the ship Iman T. It is clear that the release of the terrorist had been made political. The Iman T ship belonged to Omar’s family friend, Mustafa Tartoussi, and was commissioned by his cousin, Youssef Tartoussi. Family terrorism. All these accomplices of the terrorist Omar Hayssam and a part of his brothers “achievements”, were investigated in the 628/D/P/ 2005 file. Some of them have been convicted and imprisoned for other crimes. Mukhles, the brother of fugitive Omar, was convicted for helping the terrorist disappear. He fled the country in time. Currently, Mukhles Omar is being pursued internationally [28].

6. Also in the 628/D/P/2005 file together with the terrorist Omar Hayssam was investigated one of the richest Romanian at that time, the businessman Dinu Patriciu. The “Sudan business” [29], as the scandal was called, made waves in the press, but remained secretive despite the fact that Patriciu died, and Omar Hayssam was imprisoned. The investigators tried hard, during the hearings, to convince me not mention the trafficking in weapons in my declaration.

VI. The compromise, bribery and elimination of the investigators who dealt with the criminal files opened by the terrorist acts, carried out by the criminal groups, became a goal of the political power as soon as the DIICOT magistrates knocked with the reports and investigations at the door of the Romanian Presidency. The work of the operatives of the SRI, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the files of the prosecutors who dealt in the field of criminal investigations targeting acts of terrorism were kept in the drawer or blocked politically.

1. In this way were hidden and protected the movable and immovable funds and other assets that fed the organized crime operations of the aforementioned terrorists and traffickers. There are strong indications and evidence that the criminal groups we are talking about, their accomplices and their families, have been acting for three or four decades at international level, under the coordination of the law enforcement institutions and intelligence services of Romania and the USA.

2. As a journalist, the undersigned published numerous classified data and documents regarding the criminal activities of corruption and support of international terrorism in which the two international terrorists Mohammad Munaf and Omar Hayssam were involved or organized [30 ]. The documents, some of it top secret, showed that, after 1990, the authorities of the Romanian state, at the highest level, knew in detail, all the crimes committed by the two and that they did not take any measures.

3. I published eloquent fragments from a document classified “Top Secret – Strict Secret” entitled “Corruption in Romania (1990-2000). The activity of the National Council for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime – Corupția în România (1990-2000). Activitatea Consiliului Național de Combatere a Corupției și Crimei Organizate ” [31], a complex report debated by the Supreme Council of the Defense of the Country in 2000, which included, among others, a compendium of the crimes committed by the family of the terrorist Omar Hayssam on the Romanian territory, during a decade. The criminal activities of the terrorist cells were carried out while the Romanian state signed preadherence protocols to the Euro-Atlantic organizations. I was harassed and marginalized by the Romanian state agents.

4. In 2013 I obtained and published the report of the Directorate of Information and Internal Protection (DGIPI), the secret service of the Ministry of Interior, registered under the number 978970, issued on 31.10.2013. The document entitled “The Matrix of Responsibilities in the Investigation and the Situation of Omar Hayssam – Matricea responsabilităților în anchetă și situația lui Omar Hayssam ” [32] is a true counterpoint to the criminal activities committed by the terrorist cells coordinated by the Bout-Hayssam-Munaf group. The annex of the document contains hundreds of reports, issued from 2001, classified as “Secret” or “Top Secret – Strict secret” on the above mentioned group, addressed to all the state institutions, DIICOT, IGPF, IGPR, State Secretary of Internal Ministry, including the Presidency of Romania. Basically, the Internal Ministry spy report proves that the state authorities knew all about the crimes committed by the terrorists, but did not take any measures to stop them, on the contrary, they protected the criminals.

5. Also, a holographic informative note accompanied by the first notification information and other resolutions, classified “Top Secret – Strict secret” [33], issued by the field counter-intelligence agents, in August 2001, indicates in detail the activities carried out by the Romanian terrorist Omar Hayssam in support of terrorist organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood. The documents [34] ignored by the SRI chiefs prove the way in which the main counter-informative body of Romania protected the terrorist, bypassing the reports of its field agents.

6. In these circumstances, the magistrates who have instrumentalized the most important Romanian terrorist files “overlooked” the complicities of businessmen and politicians  with the criminal cells. Thus, although on page 13 of the indictment of  540/D/P/2005 file (Abduction of Iraq), writes in black and white that the kidnapping operation was started in mid-March in the presence of the terrorists and one of the journalists involved, in the headquarters of Syrian businessman Yassin Mohammad, prosecutors did not follow the evidence. Business partner of the two terrorists and administrator in at least one dubious company (Mija Park S.A.), investigated in the arms trafficking files, Doctor Yassin was one of the beneficiaries [35] of the funds transfers used by Omar Hayssam in several crimes.

Coincidentally or not, some members of the Arab community in Bucharest said that Yassin Mohammad would come from a known clan in the Tartous area of ​​Syria and was a character liked by former president Traian Băsescu.

VII . At the international level, the accomplices of the US terrorist in kidnapping and terrorism acts committed against a US citizen and against some Romanian citizens, were left to escape. Several members of the Munaf family, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, participated in the field at the kidnapping operation organized by the US terrorists Mohammad Munaf and Romanian Omar Hayssam, in March 2005. Before the journalists went to Iraq, Munaf praised that one of his uncles was part of the gallery of the 55, most sought Iraqi dignitaries by the US Army. In order to help its military, the US Army had printed and distributed game cards that needed to help identify the dignitaries they were looking for.

The two NATO member states, which we are talking about, have unanimously mobilized the international cooperation and criminal activities carried out by the terrorist Mohammad Munaf’s family, since the 1980s, on the territory of several countries: Iraq, Romania, the Netherlands, USA, United Kingdom, Canada.

1.Youssef Munaf Mohammed [36], a Romanian and English speaker, Mohammad’s brother, the character who accompanied the journalists through Baghdad, complicit in  terrorism acts committed by his brother, was arrested, tried and convicted, then he was released. There are indications that the brother of the terrorist Munaf was not at the first terrorist action. In 2005, Youssef had his right hand immobilized in a plastic support, because a 7.62 mm bullet had affected his forearm nerves. Youssef Munaf spoke well Romanian, a sign that he was also educated in Romania, being in the attention of the authorities. Currently, Youssef is divorced, has a child and works in an ophthalmological office in Iraq.

2. I emphasize that, according to the criminal prosecution file, the following terrorists participated in the planning and execution of the abduction of  journalists in the  Baghdad downtown: Mohammad Munaf, his brother Youssef Munaf Mohammed, Salam Hekmat Muhammed, Abdel Jabbar Abbas Jas Omar Jassam Muhammed, Ibrahim Yassin Kadhem [37]. Munaf’s ex-terrorist wife, Georgete (Georgeta), other sisters, brothers-in-law and friends from Romania, Iraq, the United Kingdom or the United States [38] helped to clean up the movable and immovable property and the accounts used by the terrorist cell.

3. The story of the Sunni terrorist Mohammad Munaf, a US citizen, begins with the involvement of his father, Munaf Al Amin (of Turkmen origin, born in 1919) in the “Arms for Iraq” affair. Munaf Senior had 11 children, 7 boys and 4 girls. Most of them have higher education, with diplomas obtained outside Iraq. Three or four children of the Munaf family live and work in the West. Sources from the Arab community in Bucharest told me that, between 1983-1984, along with former US President Richard Nixon, former US Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, former US Attorney General John Mitchell, John Brennan , Nixon’s former chief of staff, Munaf Al Amin was involved in delivering a significant quantity of weapons to the Baghdad regime, under cover of a transport of military uniforms produced in Romania, in a special section of the APACA clothing company. The business was overseen by Sarkis Garabet Soghanalian, a famous international arms dealer, nicknamed the “Death Merchant”. Employed by the CIA, Soghanalian had the mission to support the armed effort of dictator Saddam Hussein in the Iraqi-Iranian war of the 80’s. The scandal was the subject of the volume “Prelude to terror”, author Joseph. J. Trent [39]. In parallel with the US support for Iraq, at that time, on the industrial platform of Brasov, especially in the Tractorul Brasov plant, there was a real parade of the Iraqi and Iranian delegations interested in acquiring armament from the Romanian communist regime.

In 2018, through the documentary “Hunting ISIS – the episode Brothers in arms”, US intelligence services revealed that, after occupying the city of Mossul in Iraq, ISIS troops had access to US arms and ammunition delivered with more than three decades ago by US to the Iraqi dictator Hussein.

4.At the beginning of the 80’s, started his “university” career at the Institutul de Construcții București university, of the future terrorist Mohammad (the youngest son of Munaf Al Amin), who, as a student, committed numerous crimes on the Romanian territory. Mohammad had been accepted to studies in the Romanian capital, in order to escape incorporation into the Iraqi-Iranian war. Curiously, although Munaf does not know the Romanian language to well, the terrorist would have finished the faculty in a system of education difficult to follow, at that time, even for the genuine Romanians. According to his statements, during the studies, Munaf injured a girl in Bucharest with his personal car, later bribing both the victim, the doctors and the investigators to close the criminal case.

5. The timing or the manner in which Mohammad Munaf obtained US citizenship is not precisely known [40]. Former business partners from the Arab community in Bucharest claim that the terrorist has never stepped on US soil. Investigative journalists who tracked him down in New York have found that the address of terrorist Mohammad Munaf in the  passport is false. US authorities, who have been hiding and protecting the terrorist for a decade, have not provided any information about him, although he is at least complicit in the abduction and torture of US citizen Roy Hallums, a former Pentagon officer. From this we can conclude that Mohammad Munaf acted in Romania as “illegal” CIA, without diplomatic coverage.

6. An undeniable proof that Munaf had close ties with the secret services of the Allied states present on the Iraqi battlefields is his unrestricted access to colonel Khorshid (of Turkmen origin as Munaf), the head of the 2005 Iraqi prime minister’s protection team, Ayad Allawi. Due to the intervention and telephone insistence of the terrorist, the  journalists were able to enter Prime Minister Allawi and interview him, in one of the former secure palaces of the Saddam Hussein regime, just a few days before the abduction. Although Iraq is an intensely electronically monitored country, the secret services stationed in the area have not been interested to listen to the phone conversastions of the terrorist with the cell he was coordinating on the ground.

7. It is worth noting that, after his arrest by the US Armed Forces (Command Forces 134) [41], and the temporary detention in the US-controlled Abu Ghraib penitentiary, Mohammad Munaf would describe (statement, page 1), from July 26-27, 2005, at Camp Crooper, Iraq) [42] how he used US citizenship to guarantee and to seize a large part of his accomplice wealth, Omar Hayssam being on the black list of Bucharest officials. For a long time Munaf has been in the custody of the US Army having on his behalf movable and immovable properties, money and shares of tens of millions of dollars, obtained from crimes and destined for acts of corruption and organized crime. Thus, according to the statement of the terrorist Munaf, at the level of 2005, the Romanian authorities would not dare to touch the assets transferred by Hayssam on behalf of a US citizen.

8. The transfer of the terrorist to the US military authority, stationed in Baghdad, was done under the supervision of SRI major Florian Coldea, although according to the law, the main counter-informative body, much praised by the allies, the Romanian Intelligence Service, did not have powers outside the territory of Romania. The official head of the Iraqi journalists’ extraction operation in 2005 was SIE General Adrian Isac [43].The most important witnesses on the spot, in the surrender of the US terrorist are: SIE colonel Octavian Hârșeu, specialist in Arabic, negotiator in the hostage crisis and the former ambassador of Romania in Iraq, Mihai Stefan Stuparu.

According to the law, the Romanian Intelligence Service – SRI is the authority invested by laws to manage the problem of terrorism, with the exception of the MApN (Army) space, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Romanian embassies and consular offices abroad. Unfortunately, at the order of the President of Romania, much of the file of the operation known by the public opinion under the generic name of “Abduction of Iraq” was classified. Subsequently, before the prosecutors, the president denied that any documents related to the abduction had been classified.

9. Following the March 2005 abduction episode, doctors Louay Munaf [44] and Miriam Munaf, brother and sister of the terrorist, Timesco Ltd shareholders [45], disappeared from the United Kingdom. I drew the attention of the Romanian authorities and of the United States that, through the accounts of the two brothers in the United Kingdom, the money of the terrorist Mohammad Munaf passed. No authority has verified their activity. Currently, Louay Munaf, who was said to be one of Saddam Hussein’s physicians, appears to be working as an ophthalmologist in Alberta, Canada. About Miriam I have no conclusive data. In March 2005, the two brothers owned a villa in the center of Baghdad worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

10. In order to help Munaf escape from prison, in 2016, another sister of the terrorist, who lives in the US, transferred the amount of $ 20,000 into the accounts of a well-known law firm in Bucharest. Mohammad Munaf opened an action for review, without success [46].

VIII. The cover up of the investigation into the 2005 abduction of Romanian citizens began with the transfer of terrorist Mohammad Munaf to the US Army. Thus, a key character in the kidnapping business was protected from the long arm of the law. The money and assets used by him and the terrorist cell he coordinated are gone. Much of the wealth used by terrorists in crime has come into the possession of a dubious character, agreed by the Romanian authorities, Yassin Mohamed, nicknamed “Doctor Yassin” by the press. On the spot, in the Romanian Embassy in Bagadad, at the time of the transfer of the American terrorist, there were numerous military personnel of the Foreign Intelligence Service – SIE, the Romanian Intelligence Service – SRI, the General Information Department of the Army DGIA – the Military Information Directorate (DIM / J2), cover diplomats, other officials. US terrorist Mohammad Munaf was taken into custody of the US Army only with the agreement of the president of Romania, Traian Basescu, the head the Defense Council of the country at that time. For a long time, the Romanian authorities tried to hide that Munaf was brought to the Romanian Embassy in Iraq. US officials were silent.

1. It is important to emphasize that, at the time of the abduction of Romanian journalists, on the evening of March 28, 2005, President Băsescu paid an official visit to the Romanian military stationed in Iraq [47]. The president was in the embassy and wore a military uniform whose label, with his name, was embroidered on one of the factories of a Kurdish dissident in Syria (businessman in Bucharest), by his name Imad Kassas. In the evening of the kidnapping, one of the journalist colleagues, from the editorial office of  Romania liberă newspapaer, contacted me by telephone and confirmed that the president is in Iraq.

2. The terrorist Mohammad Munaf was delivered without any official document to the US Military Force, stationed in Iraq, on May 23-26, 2005, immediately after the removal of the Romanian hostages, from the headquarters of the Romanian Embassy in Baghdad, that is official considered territory of Romania. The US military authority stationed in Baghdad immediately arrested him. Munaf was protected in Iraq until 2015, when, following the embarrassing international scandal for the USA and Romania, the terrorist was returned to the Romanian authorities and imprisoned.

3.After 2005, Mohammad Munaf, found in the custody of the US Army, in Camp Crooper, Iraq, under detainee number US91Z200175 [48], was no longer required by the Romanian court for extradition and for trial. The proof that the terrorist was in the custody of the US Army is documented in the diplomatic correspondence between the USA and Romania, the Foreign Ministry – MAE note no. 1232 dated July 11, 2007. Although investigators (DIICOT prosecutors) made great efforts to prevent Munaf from being handed over to the Iraqi authorities or released, the Romanian Minister of Justice has since issued an order classified as a document of internal use, by which prohibited his subordinates from submitting any extradition request. The Minister of Justice, Monica Luisa Macovei, issued and signed Order 1833 / C of December 5, 2005 [49] , by which ordered the non-transmission of the extradition request from the United States, concerning the US terrorist Mohammad Munaf.

The international conspiracy to protect Munaf, to which US and Romania were partners, had well-founded reasons. Officials in the two states were not interested in revealing the participation of a US citizen in the abduction and torture of another US citizen, Roy Hallums, a former Pentagon spy.

4. The Attorney General of Romania at that time, General Ilie Botos sued the Ministry of Justice so that his subordinates could request the extradition of terrorist Mohammad Munaf from the USA for a proper investigation. Without success. In order to close his mouth, Ilie Botoș was dismissed from the leadership of the institution, was decorated and promoted, then he was appointed deputy director of the Directorate General of Defense Information [50], more precisely, head of the military external intelligence service, DIM / J2. On his departure from the General Prosecutor’s Office, Botos said threateningly that prosecutor Nastasiu was working on a very important file on international arms trafficking. In Romania, in the case of the abduction, a mock trial followed in the absence of the main perpetrators.

5. According to subsequent documents issued by the US military and the Romanian Foreign Ministry (correspondence A / L544 / 52 / May 23, 2007), Munaf was continuously assisted by representatives of the US military authority: lawyer Gary Nunn, JIDC American analyst Jonathan Brookshire, among others FBI officers who worked on the case with the rogatory commissions sent from Romania [51].

6. For a decade, the terrorist, a US citizen, Mohammad Munaf, was protected by the US armed forces in Iraq, while his family and accomplices hid and stole the movable and immovable property obtained from criminal activities, used to support the terrorist activities carried out by the group led by Munaf to USA, Romania and Iraq. An important role in the transfer of the assets obtained by the terrorist through crime and assignment from his partner to Omar Hayssam, was played by Munaf’s family, through his connections from Iraq, Romania, the United Kingdom and the USA.

7. Thus, the documents that came into my possession, without any denial, prove that the terrorist Mohammad Munaf alienated shares, assets, money, real estate directly from the arrest, from US Army custody. US military forces have never seized the assets or accounts of Munaf’s accomplices, involved in acts of international terrorism. The same situation was repeated in Romania, where the abduction process was delayed due to the lack of terrorist Munaf. The act of justice was compromised by political agreements and backstage talks between the US and Romania, in an attempt to protect an US terrorist and his cell.

IX. The Foreign Intelligence Service – SIE, the Romanian Intelligence Service – SRI, other information structures of the Romanian army and the US Army, which are on mission in Iraq and FBI, have been hiding for 15 years the capital information about the terrorists mentioned above, although some of them were internationally monitored by international police institutions (INTERPOL, EUROPOL) for serious crimes such as: kidnapping, international trafficking in weapons, explosives and high-risk drugs.

1. Criminal investigations have  been prevented, some members of organized crime groups participating in acts of kidnapping and terrorism have been favored or even saved. In the case of the terrorists Munaf and Hayssam, part of the ministers and some of the magistrates who have strong links with the intelligence services (even family ties), have personally intervened in the protection and release of criminals. Those who coordinated and compromise criminal investigations and, in general, the act of justice in international terrorism files, were Traian Băsescu, the president of the country at that time, recently confirmed as an agent of the communist secret services and the Minister of Justice at that time, Monica Luisa Macovei, which has constantly prevented the declassification and publication of documents related to terrorism.

2. Although Mohammad Munaf was sought internationally through INTERPOL [52], for acts of terrorism, both the Romanian and US authorities pretended not to find him. In 2010, under US protection, the terrorist Munaf challenged public opinion through live video and telephone interventions on public television stations in Romania, displaying with a handwatch of tens of thousands of euros [53]. Personally, I found the internationally sought terrorist, in 2014, in several of his Facebook posts celebrating with his family and accomplices in Iraq. In the same way, after fleeing from Romania, Omar Hayssam had long telephone conversations with DIICOT prosecutors and the press, mocking authorities [54].

3. At my insistence, the Bucharest Court of Appeal heard the Romanian ambassador to Iraq in 2005, Mihai Ștefan Stuparu, a covered agent of romanian external espionage – SIE [55]. The diplomat refused to testify, proving that SIE is above the law. Iraqi Raad Halool, a former business partner with the terrorists, but also the first to report the abduction of the Romanian to the Iraqi Interior Ministry, would declare that the first tranche of money, sent by Hayssam to release the hostages (about $ 200,000) had reached Stuparu in the embassy.

4.At my request, the negotiator during the seizure crisis, the SIE colonel, Octavian Hârșeu, testified before the court [56]. The sworn statements and audio / video recordings of the Romanian officer, a former adviser to the ambassador during the Iraq crisis, regarding the abduction period, caused a shock in the public opinion. In fact, Hârșeu was the first witness to confirm before the court that in the “Abduction of Iraq” affair the president of the country had lied to the public opinion. The terrorist Munaf was handed over to the US authorities directly from Romanian soil. After this embarrassing episode for the Romanian state, all my requests to hear the witnesses on the spot (general Adrian Isac, colonel Florian Coldea, etc.) were rejected. What were the representations of the Supreme Council of the Defense of the Country – CSAȚ, the Ministry of National Defense, the Foreign Intelligence Service – SIE ? They were trying to hide the evidence from the international traffic with weapons file.

5. I have repeatedly notified the US Embassy in Bucharest [57] and the US Department of Justice about how the terrorist Munaf is protected and about how the criminal group he was a part of, escaped from justice. Finally, for one reason or another, the US terrorist was brought to Romania where is serving his sentence. The funds used by the terrorist cells were laundered or alienated, and the terrorist’s accomplices escaped because their actions were not investigated by the US competent institutions. His accomplices are quietly operating in several Western countries such as the US, Canada or the UK or even Iraq. That’s why, I conclude that neither the Foreign Intelligence Service nor the Military Intelligence Directorate (DIM / J2) ever sought the terrorist, even though the Romanian state had pursued him through Interpol. I remind you that Romania has a significant military presence in Iraq, including military intelligence agents who have a fruitful collaboration with the Allies.

6. The undersigned made huge efforts to document and inform the Romanian and US authorities about irregularities in the files in which the Bout-Munaf-Omar terrorist cell had been investigated [58]. The information I deliver to you through this notification, along with hundreds of other documents, audio / video recordings, photos, testimonies and evidence, were submitted to the Romanian courts, at the US Embassy in Bucharest, US Department of Justice. INTERPOL offices in Romania, France and the USA have received in-depth information on international terrorists [59]. I published everything in the press. In the summer of 2015, US terrorist Mohammad Munaf was delivered to the Romanian authorities for imprisonment. Even this illegal operation on foreign territory was classified. US investigators who have looked for Mohammad Munaf and Viktor Bout, as well as magistrates who have judged the files of the two terrorists in the US, have avoided making the connection between the cases and the characters present in the iraqian hostages pit.

7. As in the case of the Romanian-Syrian terrorist Omar Hayssam, we do not even know today how Munaf was brought from Iraq and who delivered it to the Romanian authorities. From his own television confessions, I found that Munaf was being held in a form of forced domicile, in Iraqi Kurdistan, an area controlled by the US Army, periodically being required to make an appearance at the US diplomatic representation in this country. He would have been handed over to the Romanian authorities by one of the internal security officials of the Kurdish area and brought to Bucharest by plane of the Ministry of Interior.

X. Corruption produces terrorism, and when corruption offenses take place in the war zone where NATO partners and military operate, the effects are unpredictable. Just 2-3 days before the kidnapping, during March 2005, I found in the US military units, international fraudsters agreed by the intelligence services and I found corruption. Romanian intelligence were aware of the US criminals operating in the Iraq war theater, because some of them had onerous affairs on the Romanian soil. Embassy members even recommended that we contact US scammers from the Global Business Group (GBG) to promote them.

The GBG scandal in Iraq is just one of the reasons why US military authorities did not want to make the connection between the Americans Roy Hallums, Mohammad Munaf and the Romanian hostages. GBG is proof that, in addition to honest contractors, like Roy Hallums, under the nose of internal protection officers, in US military units, had also slipped dangerous US scammers like Philip H. Bloom.

1. What I had to discover on the spot, that is in the US military bases in Baghdad, exceeds any imagination. In March 2005, on the plane we flew from Jordan to Iraq, I was  approached by a few employees of the US company Global Bussines Group (GBG), belonging to the scammer, US citizen, Philip H. Bloom [60], suspected by media being under coverage of the CIA. The Romanian workers, who had previously worked in the Ploiești state-owned companies, had been recruited by the GBG company for military units in Iraq, to activate in the technical and logistical departments dealing with the maintenance of household appliances. In a short plane ride to Baghdad Airport, people complained that although the contract with GBG was $ 2000 a month, the fraudster Bloom illegally hold for himself half of the money.

2. I had to deal with GBG company and with the crook Philip Bloom during 2003, when he recruited young IT specialists in Bucharest, at the new headquarters of the company in Galați Street. I found out much later that Bloom had seized with other Romanian intelligence agents and had conducted numerous onerous deals and dubious privatizations. The first headquarters of the GBG in Romania was located, in 1998, in the headquarters of the Ministry of Transport under the leadership of Traian Băsescu. Among the business partners of Bloom scam were the banker Bogdan Baltazar [61], a close relative of the Democratic Party (future PDL) and a former spy of the communist regime. Baltazar activated in the 70’s on the US territory under the conspired name “Laurențiu”. Baltazar had been spying under the communist regime and, after 1990, he was recovered and used as a diplomat in several countries. The consulting firm Baltazar, Bloom & Pârvulescu (BB&P) was involved in the privatization of one of the largest Romanian banks BCR.

3. Philip H. Bloom was finally arrested for corruption in Iraq. The US Department of Justice has found that through specially created companies, it has bribed government officials in exchange for government contracts to rebuild Iraq. The bribery has circulated through several banks from Kuwait, Switzerland, Netherlands and Romania. Part of the paid bribe consisted of jewelry, air tickets, alcohol, cigarettes and sexual favors. The “Bloom network” was deconstructed in Bucharest, and his accomplices, Seymour Morris, Michael Morris, Robert J. Stein and the US army officers Lt. Col. Debra Harrison and Michael Wheeler [62], were also charged, later convicted of bribery, money laundering, and conspiracy. No Romanian accomplices of the Bloom group were investigated.

4. The conspired SIE officers from the Romanian Embassy were to guide us on March 27, 2005, at 9.47.37 -0800PST directly to GBG. The commercial counselor of the Embassy of Romania in Baghdad, Cristian Lățea sent us by e-mail and sms the invitation to visit the Iraqi GBG. Two of the Romanian journalists went to find the great “achievements” of this company in the US military units. I refused to move. Given that, in areas of conflict such as Iraq, Romania’s diplomatic representations are populated only with officers, the close links between them and the US crooks are obvious.

XI. Since ’90s, at the highest level of the Romanian state (Presidency, Government, ministries), has been sought the protection and secrecy of the international criminal activity carried out by the terrorist Omar Hayssam, a prominent member and financier of the most powerful party in the country, Social Democratic Party (PSD). It should be noted that the offender has been accompanying the official delegations of the Presidency for visits abroad, and has been supported by many state officials or heads of political parties. Since 2005, I have requested numerous times, to the Romanian authorities, to declassify and publish all the terrorist files documents related to the crimes of the Bout – Omar – Munaf group, being interested, in particular, in the documents concerning the abduction of the Romanian journalists in Iraq. I was refused. The crimes and their perpetrators remained secret, a sign that they were working with or for the state institutions.

1.At the end of 2004, benefiting from the information provided by his accomplices from state institutions and from intelligence, the terrorist Omar Hayssam tried to shelter his estimated property at $ 100 million, obtained from illegal business, smuggled with cigarettes and other excise goods, with armament, by tax evasion and money laundering.

2. Thus, in a short time, much of Omar’s wealth (shares, accounts, real estate, domains, companies) [63] is transferred on behalf of his accomplice, the US citizen Mohammad Munaf. The latter was to declare that he guaranteed the wealth of the terrorist Hayssam, with US citizenship. Mohammad Munaf had become overnight president of the Manhattan group of companies, which in fact belonged to the Omar clan. The authorities in Bucharest did not prevent the criminals from doing these “financial engineers”. The intelligence officers, diplomats, police officers and other officials that Omar had in the state of payment, informed the terrorist about all the steps that the authorities were going to take against him.

3. However, on November 4, 2004, a squad made up of magistrates, police officers and gendarmes descended on several locations owned by the Omar Group. DIICOT prosecutors, along with agents from the Directorate of Fraud Investigation of the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR), carried out five searches in several locations, targeting the Manhattan holding. Impressive quantities of documents were collected, over 100 stamps, passports, ID’s, weapons, computers. One of the directors detained and heard by prosecutors is Michel Nahas, a Lebanese Christian, the brain of arms trafficking, according to the holding employees who agreed to speak. The second key character heard was Emile Raja El Assal. It seems that the Romanian authorities have avoided that information and data about the collaboration of the Omar family with some  institutions reach into the hands of the US espionage through Munaf.

4. On this occasion was raised the computer of Omar’s assistent manager, known as Mona Haloca. Thus, appeared in the press the first lists of military equipment commanded by Hayssam from Transnistria. Under the heading “Mr. Omar’s List,” one of the files drawn up by Haloca referred to a $ 70 million contract for military equipment manufactured in the former soviet states, now members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The document included Katiuşa missiles, Mig 29 aircraft, rocket launchers and anti-aircraft systems. The documents, computers and stamps seized by the Romanian authorities during the operations carried out on November 4, 2004, were stored and locked in the archive of the General Prosecutor’s Office (DIICOT).

5.What did not appear in the press in 2004 ? Extremely sensitive information about a nuclear power plant erected by the Bashar Al Assad regime in northwestern Syria. Important data transmitted urgently to the Israeli secret services were the basis of the special operation with code name “Orchard” (Livada). Thus, Romania was part toghether with USA and Israel in one of the most important illegal operations in foreign territory.

6.Afterwards, in 2006, during the terrorism trial, is registered in Bucharest a real parade of Israeli lawyers, interested in representing Hayssam in court. In fact, the former foreign minister at the time, Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, facilitates the visit of lawyer Mordechai Tzivin, known as the “Mossad’s lawyer” at the place of detention of Omar Hayssam. A decade later, the same lawyer was returning to represent the Israeli agents arrested in Bucharest in the “Black Cube” spying affair.

Also, in the immediately following period, there were several visits of Romanian officials in Israel, especially of the Romanian Foreign Minister at that time. Israel and USA were intensively preparing for the operation with the code name “ORCHARD” and the extraction of the terrorist Hayssam and his family (Adela Omar’s wife and seven children).

7. Although Omar and Munaf were suspected of terrorism, neither the US nor the Romanian authorities were interested to distraint the funds and movable or immovable properties used by the terrorists. According to the Munaf’s statements, the two partners of crimes sought in 2003, in Iraq, red mercury, a substance used in the nuclear industry. In November 2004, during searches at the offices of Omar Hayssam’s companies, prosecutors discovered a list of military equipment that had to be ordered from Transnistria. I mean, from Viktor Bout place of work.

8.After intense discussions with the Israelis, surprisingly, the case prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu changed his attitude. The magistrate who had crucified the terrorist no. 1 of Romania, Omar Hayssam, in the indictment of the “Abduction from Iraq” file, intervenes in the trial of the Bucharest Court of Appeal, asking the court to release the terrorist in case of illness. Let us not forget that, in parallel, the same magistrate investigated the “patient” in an international traffic with weapons file. The benevolent court with the terrorists approves the release of Omar.

9. Immediately after his release from custody, the best-guarded Romanian offender of all times, the terrorist Hayssam, has a difficult surgery and is released from the country. The “flight” of the terrorist over the most secure borders of the European Union triggered the resignations of the main secret services chiefs and of the General Prosecutor of Romania.

10. After President Bashar Al Assad’s visit to Bucharest, terrorist Omar Hayssam is brought back in July 2013 in secret. Even today, we do not know who brought the terrorist to Romania and how. We do not know what was the price paid by the Romanian state for the return of Omar. Recently, the authorities withdrew the Romanian citizenship from the terrorist jailed for 25 years (cumulative punishment following of several sentences).

XII. In the same way and for the same reasons mentioned above, the Romanian authorities have secretly authorized the participation of the terrorist Omar Hayssam in the special and illegal operation on the Syria territory, codenamed “ORCHARD” (Mivtza Bustan, in Hebrew), on September 6, 2007. According to information leaked to the press,  Omar Hayssam provided conclusive data to US and Israeli secret services about the nuclear reactor at the Al Kibar site in the Deir-Ez-Zor area in exchange for his extraction.

1. Since 2008, the press made public the connection between the military operation “ORCHARD” – Livada and Omar Hayssam. At that time, most likely, the Romanian press and prosecutors made a confusion in terms, in English, the special operation being baptized “Orchid”, that in Romanian translation means “Orhideea”. The confusion was fueled by the discovery of two secret currency accounts, called “Orhideea” and “Alegretto”, opened by espionage for special operations. Hayssam had accurate information about the nuclear power plant, because the necessary equipment transports  for the nuclear reactor were transited by his friends (Mustafa Tartoussi, Youssef Tartoussi), through Constanța port, to Syrian Tartous port, with false end-user documents under the Romanian intelligence monitoring. The Israeli army acknowledged the operation “ORCHARD”, only in March 2018, through a short statement, without giving any details.

2. According to some military specialists, “ORCHARD” was nothing more than a reissue of the operation “Opera”, executed by the Israeli army, in 1981, in Iraq. At that time, the Israeli Air Force attacked and seriously damaged the Iraqi Osirak reactor, located 17 km southeast of Baghdad. The technology acquired by Saddam Hussein from France, a nuclear reactor of the “Osiris” class, was designed for the plutonium production.

The Baghdad regime tried to repair the damaged reactor and requested help from Romanians. From my information, ARCOM SA, the construction company used by the communist espionage, has only performed a conservation work for the Osirak reactor.

3. The press and public opinion were misinformed by the intelligence services of the US and French armies, by omission and by hiding and cosmetizing the reality. Thus, were avoided the links between the American, French or Romanian hostages, victims or not of the kidnapping operations. All this happened on the Romanian territory and also in France, despite the large protest movements that demanded the release of all hostages in the same package.

4. Some special operations were taken to extract the Romanian, US and French covered agents from the area of ​​interest. The identity of the Arab students recruited by the communist intelligence services of Romania was protected. During the abduction of  journalists, at least two of the agents schooled and trained in Romania before 1989 acted from the headquarters of the Romanian Embassy. Businessmen Raad Halool and Shamil Al Abadi were the first to notify the Iraqi police about the abduction of some Romanian citizens. Although Iraqi businessmen have families in Romania, for various reasons, the authorities still have forbidden them access to the territory of our country.

5. Among others, by the omission method, the operation of the former Pentagon military agent, former navy commander in the US Army, Roy Hallums extraction, was hidden. The operation was attended by Hostage Working Group (HWG) agents, a special service camped at the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States, France and Romania have concealed many years the fact that Roy Hallums and Florence Aubenas were detained, together with Romanian hostages, by the same organized crime groups, in the same location, 29 kilometers south of Baghdad, in the area called by soldiers “Death Triangle”. Also, has been hidden the presence of US terrorist Mohammad Munaf, along with a Pentagon spy in the location described above.

6. Likewise, it was disguised the Iraqi extraction operation of the French journalist  Florence Aubenas (offspring of some Belgian diplomats). Florence was extracted with the close help of the Romanian agents, as we have learned from the recent statements of the former President of Romania, Traian Băsescu. I had to personally ask the court, the rogatory commission in Paris, for Florence Aubenas to admit before the magistrates that she was hostage, underground, with the Romanian journalists, a terrorist and an US officer.

XIII. In the same register were carried out the operations of compromising the uncomfortable journalists and press intimidation, carried out by the state. The harasment culminated, in 2006, with the arrest of a journalist from Vrancea. For example, DIICOT prosecutors searched several newsrooms in Bucharest, after the undersigned released compromising data reffering to the activity of Allied forces from the Kandahar Military Base, Afghanistan.

1.After my return from the kidnapping episode, I have constantly notified the public opinion, the Romanian investigative bodies, the US law enforcement agencies and the politicians, at the highest level, regarding the abuses, political and espionage interference in the terrorism files and regarding the protection granted to organized crime. Due to the notoriety gained during my kidnapping, after 2005, the grievances and notifications of ordinary people about the abuse of secret services in all areas were addressed to me.

2. After I noticed the attempts to cover up the “Abduction from Iraq” file, at the highest political level, I wrote several articles that raised questions about the true intentions of the Romanian authorities. Following a detailed article about the period spent by journalists released in the custody of the Romanian Intelligence Service- SRI, especially about the visits made by President Traian Băsescu in the secret complex K2-K4-T14, where we were kept, the editorial staff of the newspaper I was working on started censoring me. Step by step, the materials regarding the abduction period, the president’s attitude and the abusive activities of the Romanian secret services were truncated or removed from the newspaper. In 2006, after blocking the article “Hostages in Iraq, luxury prisoners in Bucharest – Ostatici în Irak, deținuți de lux la București” by the editorial board of the newspaper România liberă, I resigned. The article was taken over and published by most Romanian newspapers and television.

3. During the investigation into the “Abduction of Iraq” file, the central press revealed old relations of the President of Romania with the terrorist’s business partners, more precisely, about links from the time when he was mayor of the capital. Then, the amounts of money transferred by terrorist Omar Hayssam companies into the accounts of the Liberal Democratic Party came to light. On July 4, 2005, in a fit of anger, President  Băsescu publicly acknowledged that the intelligence were spying an uncomfortable journalist day and night, reporting to the high dignitary what and who the journalist was talking to on the phone. Traian Băsescu publicly accused me of collaborating with a former external spy named “Dumitrescu” [64].

4. “The Afghanistan classified information CD” [65], as the scandal I started in early 2006 was called, was the proof that, at the level of the allied intelligence services, on the Afghan front, were serious security issues. But perhaps the most important and embarrassing detail in this scandal, was the presence of the first indications of the famous CIA prisons, officially denounced by former US President Barack Obama only in 2014.

5. Romanian officials brutally intervened in an attempt to stop the leakage of military classified informations from the Afghan front. The same DIICOT magistrates who were instrumentalizing terrorist files arrested a journalist, searched another’s home and ransacked the headquarters of several publications and television news outlets. The journalist arrested abusively sued the state to the European Court. In order to close his “journalistic mouth”, external espionage created him a diplomatic post, in Ireland and sent him there with the whole family. In a similar episode, for the purpose of intimidation, on April 13, 2007, the Foreign Intelligence Service – SIE filed a criminal complaint [66] against the undersigned, publishing it on the institution’s website. From this moment, Ohanesian Eduard was officially hunted by the most powerful intelligence service in Romania.

XIV. I asked the presidents, governments, the Parliament and the institutions of Romania, who have succeeded to the leadership of the country since 2005 [67], the total and unconditional declassification and the publication of all the secret documents in the files of terrorism, international traffic with weapons and abduction. Especially for those documents that are related to the “Abduction of Romanian journalists in Iraq” and to the network of arms dealer Viktor Bout. I asked the state to take on more or less legal operations in the field of terrorism, carried out by the country’s law enforcement institutions.

1. For almost 15 years, the political factor has rejected my requests for declassification and reopening of terrorism and arms trafficking files. Even today we do not know what agreements were the basis of the transfer of the operative-tactical missiles, over 400 pieces plus the loading machines, through the company ZIM, to the Israeli army. The missile batteries secretly traffiked in 1996 from Ineu and Tecuci were SCUD type 8K11 and 8K14 coded. Some of these had been modified by the Communist regime in order to carry nuclear, chemical or bacteriological outbreaks and to increase their range. In the same way, TU 143 drones, 11 pieces (NATO classification, VR-3 Reis) [68] disappeared from the Romanian Air Force.

2. Finally, under the pressure of Western partners, the Romanian state undertook only a few terrorist operations carried out by external espionage during the communist period, such as the bomb attack at the headquarters of the free Europe radio station and the material support (weapons assault) and financially (over 1 million dollars) granted to the terrorist group Carlos “The Jackal” for the attacks committed in the territory of Switzerland.

3. In 2005, some terrorists who participated in the abduction of journalists, presented me armament of Romanian origin at the location where I was held hostage. More specifically, the terrorists, members of the Munaf family, showed me  a 7.62 mm caliber AKM type machine guns with folding butt stock, Romanian production, from 1986-1988 series. At least one of these weapons was recovered by the special troops of the Hostage Working Group, during the Roy Hallums extraction from the hostage farm, 29 km south of Baghdad. The weapon was found in the farm yard with the pipe stuck in the ground, with the extended folding butt stock [69]. It lacked some moving parts such as the magazine, the receiver cover, the carrier spring, the bolt carrier with piston, the bolt and the striker pin.

4.With the occasion of the HWG raid, officers recovered numerous evidence left by the terrorist cell, including fingerprints of some members of the Al Mashhadani family on a document. Mashhadani’s are the terrorists who kidnapped and tortured Hallums. After being identified and captured, one of the cell’s members, Yousif Al Mashhadani, was convicted of kidnapping the American.

At the height of the war against terrorism, in 2013, Yousif, along with three other members of the Mashhadani family, the terrorist cell that had abducted and tortured a Pentagon officer for 311 days, filed their papers to obtain US citizenship [70]. The investigators found  that, the offenders had obtained since 2008 refugee status in the US and were walking unhindered throughout the country. US intelligence has never made the connection between the Romanian, French, Iraqi hostages, the Hallums officer and the terrorist cell that kidnapped and held them underground. The connection between the cell coordinated by Mohammad Munaf and the Al Mashhadani cell has not been investigated.

XV. What is hidden by the disjunction and secrecy of the most important terrorist files of Romania, no. 540/D/P/2005 and 628/D/P/2005?

1.The abusive classification as state secret of all the evidence regarding the trafficking in weapons, drugs, cigarettes without stamps, military and nuclear technology and other prohibited equipment or substances (produced and stored in ex-Soviet countries, in Serbia or North Korea) to countries subject to the international embargo (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Colombia) and to terrorist organizations as FARC, Hamas, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood; by criminal groups supported and financed by the force institutions of the Romanian state.

2. Thus, in the 628/D/P/2005 file was attached another major file of illegal trafficking in arms, called “The Cigarette – Țigareta”, which consisted in the delivery on and from the territory of Romania of a huge quantity of armament in exchange with cigarettes. The affair was maritime and air conducted, involving agents of several secret services (SRI, SPP, DGIA) along with offenders mentioned above, in this case, the Omar family, brothers Hayssam and Khaled. 628/D/P/2005 file, both by its size and by its international implications, has become one of the most important document in the Romanian history.

3.Personally, in the trial that followed my abduction, I submitted before the courts audio / video recordings (interview conducted between 2005-2006 with Lieutenant-Colonel Moaied Abdel Kazem) [71] with senior Iraqi police officers who supported that the Romanian state continues to supply Iraqi insurgency in Fallujaf with weapons and ammunition. In other words, although Romania and its allies sent the military to fight against terrorism, its secret services fueled the insurgency with weapons and ammunition.

4. The evidence that my sources told the truth exploded in the press, nine years later, when the United States coordinated a complex counterterrorism operation, bringing two other Romanian traffickers to justice, who were trying to sells arms and ammunition to the FARC organization in Colombia. As in the case of trafficker Viktor Bout, the smugglers Cristian Vintilă, and Virgil Flaviu Georgescu, along with others would have tried to sell anti-aircraft weapons, firearms and other components, to the Colombian rebel group FARC, for their use against DEA agents. As in the “Bout operation”, Romanians’ “offers” were intercepted by DEA officers, the US Anti-drug Administration.

5. In conclusion, the Alliance’s military stationed in theaters of war around the globe, belonging to NATO members, are attacked, wounded or killed with weapons delivered by the intelligence or transited by it on Romania’s territory. For various reasons, although they are familiar with this “narcotics terrorism”, the United States forces have closed their eyes, being only punctually interested by certain people such as Viktor Anatolievych Bout, Cristian Vintilă, Virgil Flaviu Georgescu and Aurel Frățilă. We do not even know today for whom the aforementioned Romanian traffickers worked. It is true that they were not hunted by intelligence services specialized in gun trafficking, they were not searched by the CIA or the Secret Service, but by the DEA, an institution specialized in the international fight against drugs.

XVI. After returning from Baghdad in May 2005, I was heard on several occasions by Gary Dickson, FBI resident, at that time in Romania. He was assisted by the US special envoy specialized in the recovery of military  agent Roy Hallums. At that time, terrorist Mohammad Munaf, a US citizen, was in the custody of the US Army in Abu Ghraib Prison. FBI representatives did not seem interested in the terrorist activities of US citizen  Munaf, but rather the health status and location of Roy Hallums, who has been hostage for more than 300 days in Iraq. After his release, Hallums would be invited to Washington by President Barack Obama in a hostage program.

I was heard by an Iraqi military rogatory commission, represented by officers of the Special Court for Major Crimes SharQ El Khanat, in the headquarters of the General Prosecutor’s Office in Bucharest.

I had discussions with the National Security Advisor of the President of France at that time, and then with a special team of French counterintelligence agents.

I remind you that NATO is an organization that has set itself and has largely succeeded in promoting democratic values ​​and giving its members the opportunity to consult and cooperate on defense and security issues, in order to resolve global threats such as terrorism, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflicts. NATO also has an important military mission stationed in Iraq.

Providing you with evidence, testimonies, photos, audio / video recordings and documents on the terrorist activities mentioned above, under the United Nations Agreement on Organized Crime signed in Palermo in 2000, I urge the North Atlantic Council to take note and analyze these particularly serious facts and take the necessary measures, in the letter and spirit of the principles underlying the functioning of the Alliance and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I ask the North Atlantic Council to let me know if, following this notification, it has verified, what are the conclusions of the investigation and what kind of measures have been taken.


Eduard Ovidiu Ohanesian

journalist and victim of an international terrorist operation


Mobile Phone: +40723230021

Email adress:



[1] -with-the-ground-terrorists /




















[21] trafficker-rus-de-arm-viktor-bout-14486 .html

[22] -story / 691a9c826ce4c95d737e579b2a8399ab










[32] The matrix of responsibilities in the investigation and the situation of Omar Hayssam

[33] /

[34] /





[39] dangerous-romano- americana/




[43] -ziaristi-take-hostages-in-iraq /



[46] -199779.html

[47] -of-years-until-we-are /






[53] liberation- journalists- 286247.html




[57] -a-American terrorist-262 465




[61]– philip- h- bloom– arestat-in- sua-pentru- mita-in- irak– 48417




[65] actualitatea/ dosarul-scurgerilor-de-informatii-din-mapn-ingropat- de- incompetenta- serviciilor-si-procilorilor/


[67] -i-associates /



